Artist Dedicates 12 Unbelievable High Heels to Each of His Exes
Just as the Taj Mahal was built out of love for a woman, Sebastian Errazuriz created one of a kind high heels for each of the great loves of his life. With “12 Shoes for 12 Great Lovers”, the New York-based artist accompanies each creation with a title significant to the look of each shoe. But despite the imagery contrived from how each shoe is designed, the kicker is the title and the explicit, vulgar, and relatable story Errazuriz shares to explain the idea behind each look. He resurrects the personality of each relationship in each pair and brings tangibility to each title by way of design. How better to emancipate “Honey Natasha” than with a yellow honeycomb shoe or “Cry Baby” Alexandra than with a shoe that looks like an Oreo just fell into a glass of milk? After reading each excerpt, all three components are intertwined and brings the whole sculpture together.
To view another article on shoes, try Photos Portray Shoes With Teeth.