Lost in Internet

Giant Building Blocks Has Unlimited Applications in Real Life

Pod Tents Enable Socializing Beyond the Campfire

Now, You Can Create Wonderful Art Using the Sun

The Force Is Strong with This Millennium Falcon LED Lamp

Add the Extra to the Ordinary with the Pepo Watermelon Slice

Stay Safe on Water with This Cool Wrist-Worn Flotation Device

Liquid, Oil and Air Combine to Create Hypnotizing Lighting System

Japan Creates the WalkCar, the Next Best Thing Next to a Hoverboard

Electric Surfboarding is the Next Big Thing to Try

Climbing a Tree Is Easy If You Build Stairs around It

These Superhero Bookends Will Save Your Books from Falling

Your Plants Will Look So Much Cuter in These Adorable Animal Planters

Used Skateboards Turned Into Rad Guitars

This Record Player Can Play Your Vinyls Upright

An Ingenious Way to Protect Your Car from Thieves