Daughter Uses Pictures to Travel Back in Time to Become Her Mom’s Best Friend

Danielle Delph have always wondered whether she would have been best friends with her mom had they grown up in the same era. The Portland, Oregon art director got as close to her answer as possible by merging old pictures of herself with her mom’s childhood pictures using Photoshop. The project called, “If I Had Known My Mother Back Then,” took Delph approximately 6 months to complete and many hours of combing through old pictures shipped to her from her mom, Janis, from Florida and those collected by family and friends. The mashup of similar, coinciding times of both women’s lives have garnered attention from all over the web but perhaps the most affirming response is from her mother who was the main inspiration for the project. According to Delph, “My mom really loved the project. She said it made her cry, and she visits it everyday. She thinks we really would have been friends had we grown up together.”

To view a similar project, try Girl Time Travels to Her Past Using Photographs.






