Mysterious Creatures of the Sea: Portuguese Man-of-War
Aaron Ansarov captures images of one of the most mysterious creatures of the sea, the Portuguese Man-of-War. The retired U.S. Navy combat photographer takes pictures of the gelatinous sea creatures in an attempt to inform and garner appreciation for what others have only known to stay away from. Contrary to popular belief, Man-of-Wars are not a type of jellyfish but rather a siphonophore, or a colony of identical individual organisms banded together to perform specific tasks. For example, some form the tentacles, some form the feeding body, while others comprise the reproductive organs. The colors of the Man-of-War range in hues of blue, violet, and purple which scientists believe protects them from damaging UV rays, especially since they make the surface of the ocean their home. The protective brilliance of their pigmentation, the voluminous sail-like float of their body, and tentacles that could reach up to 30 feet are exactly what intrigues Ansarov about the venomous, and potentially deadly, sea life.