Whimsical Light Painted Images by Darren Pearson
Darren Pearson creates unreal glowing images against a natural background with nothing but a light source and his camera. The Los Angeles-based artist has been honing his craft since 2008 with store-bought flashlights at first and now with his own customized flashlights to create finer lines and brush attachments which allows him to change light colors and paint bigger figures. Finding dusk to be the best time to shoot, he places his camera on a tripod and sets the exposure to last between 2 to 7 minutes, long enough for him to jump in front of his camera to start painting while the shutter is still open. Using objects from the natural surroundings as his guide for scale, he usually starts with the character’s eyes and works his way out to the outermost limbs. The result is an image that transfixes a surreal floating figure against a very real background. Be sure to check out his site for more of Darren’s amazing light art.
For a similar article, try Peter Medlicott’s Light Up Dubai.